This is just one picture of the front of my room. Above the whiteboard will be student made portraits. On the front board are a few things. One is our class grafitti wall. In our new reading series, Lead 21, the students keep on ongoing board to collect pictures, artifacts, and post-it notes with their thinking. Love this! You will also see my Homeworkopoly board. I got this idea from the amazing blog, wwwladybugsteacherfiles.com. This is new this year... we'll see how it goes! |
This is the second picture of my front wall. You'll notice the smart board! How amazing is a smart board. I use the smartboard for everything. My grade level partners and I have created almost everything with smart notebook software. To the left of the smart board is our class IPad. This is a challenge board for students who finish early. Moving more to the left you will see our bullentin board of reading strategies. |
Books, books, books!!!!! I love my class library! In a future post, I will share how it is organized. Something new this year is my CRAFT board. I know many of you out there have a craft board. I have to credit mine to ladybugteacherffiles.com. Great stuff! There are hanging stars and planets to the right in the picture. |
Obviously this is the sink area. Above the sink you will see black and white frames. This is from the new Black and white collection from Creative Teaching Press. I plan on taking black and white pictures of my kiddos and place them in the frames. I figured this was not an instructional area, so why not create a place to celebrate our classroom family. |
Boggle! Who doesn't love Boggle. I know there are many of you out there already doing this! Great for the Daily 5 Word Work. |
Birthday bags already set up and ready for the celebrating! |
This is my teacher area. You'll notice Alf and just a few of my 50+ Potato Heads! More to come in a future post about these two favorite classroom accessories! |
If your like me, I love looking at pictures of classrooms. I always get so many ideas. I wanted to post some pictures so you can see a little more about me. I tried to add captions for each picture- but they are not showing up! :( You will see a few familiar things. I did get some ideas from ladybugteacherfiles.com! What a great blog that is!
I freaking love your room! Can I be in your class... please?!
*Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*